
Rotor Brush Tagel/Nylon

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The Skigo Rotor Brush is a combination brush with nylon and horse hair. Nylon helps the brush to retain its shape and adds extra durability to the brush. It is recommended to use this brush while spinning from 2000 to 4000 rotations per minute.

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reviews   (1)

Very happy with the combined brushes. It's very convenient and a time saver if doing multiple pairs of skis. The horsehair brush is stiff and very effective at removing wax. The nylon brush works well. It is stiffer than other nylon roto brushes so for polishing care must be taken not to apply to much pressure. It took some effort to align the brushes with the handle while sliding the brushes on to the handle. Shipping time was a couple of weeks but worth the wait.
Gerry Breneman (Vernon)
Rating: 4 of 5!